Friday, January 11, 2008

Cell Phones cause Molestation, Experts Say

First of all we need to separate molestation and child abuse with a kid getting really really lucky. A kid isn't being "molested" if he/she is not only willing but excited to have sex with the adult. When kids are having sex with each other by age 12, why is someone "molesting" them if they are happy to do it, and all that will come psychologically from it is some good memories and stories? This doesn't include when the person gives the minor alcohol or drugs (even though the kid is probably drinking and such with his friends anyway). We have to stop with the thought process that teenagers are kids. In todays society children grow up and learn so fast that having sex at 14 isn't a big deal (to them). That is why I have such a problem with Perverted Justice. This girl goats them into coming to the house with promises of sex, and a lot of guys lack the will power to say no to a heart girl regardless of the age. It's another story when a guy is stalking a girl or does anything against their will, but why are these people arrested (with a majority of them lacking any past evidence of this behavior).
(As a side note why does someone get arrested if fooled by a fake I.D. when it comes to sex or even drinking, but when the opposite happens and a girl says she's underaged and really not the people still get arrested.)
I am not condoning rape or molestation or anything like that, but is it really worth it to put these people in jail when the kid wasn't effected negatively (this mostly happens with older women going after underage men, when it happens vice versa it is always fishy). Instead of imprisoning these borderline ones let's get them some psychological treatment and focus time and attention on the the real molestors and criminals.


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