More about steroids part 1
I apologize in advice I have a lot of feelings on the steroids issue along with other governmental issues and it will be written as I think so if some does not make sense thats why.
If you know me you know I have huge problems with the government and the president. It is almost as if every decision they make helps 2% of the country and hurts the other 98%. The current government has hurt the poor, minorities (both racial and sexual), and undid all the work the Clinton administration did for those groups and the economy as a whole. The current administration is against stem cell research (which is iffy but could save many lives), abortion (another touchy subject but why shouldn't a woman have the right to choose), gay marriage (if two people love each other why can't they marry?), and continue to try to implant Chrisianity into our lives whether we believe or not while making sure illegal Aliens can continue to stay in the country. Basically the Bush administration sees Christianity and Democracy as the only way of living and try to force those beliefs on the citizens and the rest of the world. They have engaged us in an unnecessary war costing us billions of dollars a month which has resulted in complete chaos in Iraq and the deaths of thousand innocent people and soldiers. You would thing Congress would be focusing on figuring out how to make the citizens of the country happy, or trying to figure out how to end the war as quickly and productively as possible. Well this is Bizzaro world and Congress is more concerned with steroids in sports than any of the pressing issues facing the country.
As we know baseball has been having a problem with steroids. Selig and the other heads of baseball supposedly didn't know that steroids were a problem, and increased the strictness of the policy. About 70 or so players have been caught so far (mostly Latin American or American), and many accused players have all of the sudden gotten smaller. Selig wants to make the policy even harsher, but that is for him and the players union to decide or so we thought. A couple years ago Bush mentioned how bad steroids is for baseball, which makes sense since he ran the Rangers into the ground like many of the other businesses he inherited and had a vested interest in baseball. But he did not say this during an interview he said it during the fucking State of the Union where he talks about what the most pressing issues are facing the country, he put steroids in professional sports in front of poverty and on par with the war. Now Congress is having hearings and want to take control of the testing policy for all four sports. Now let's go back and go over how the sports leagues works. Basically each league is a cartel of 30-some teams and through a collective bargaining agreement between the league and the union they are exempt basically from government interference and are allowed to govern themselves. But since Congress saw an opportunity once again to overstept their boundaries (i.e. Patriot Act the most intrusive act in American History) they decided to try to control the steroid/drug policy in all the leagues. This is a horrific idea, each league sees steriods as a different problem from a huge issue (MLB and to a lesser extent NFL who already has a solid policy) to a very minor issue (NBA). Each league is run through the CBA which was made as a compromise to try to please both the players and owners as much as possible. Adding a third party would complicate everything and open a can of worms giving Congress the opportunity to interfer with other parts of how the leagues are run. Hey Congress I got an idea GET YOUR FUCKING NOSE OUT OF THE BUSINESS OF THE LEAGUES AND FOCUS ON THE REAL ISSUES. During one of the interactions between the NBA and Congress one of the Representatives or Senators asked Billy Hunter (head of NBPA) about the weak testing policy and theres one thing they couldn't understand. The fact that steroids DON'T HELP NBA PLAYERS! They kept asking about it, if they don't understand the fact that the NBA steroid policy is weak because steroids slow the players down and being over-muscular does not help them in their careers. Basically the NBA drug policy tests if there is resonable doubt. Basically the NBA realizes that all the players smoke pot and random testing would come up with lots of positives for marijuana but not much else, so they use the resonable doubt excuse to avoid hurting the league with lots of pot suspensions. If Congress cannot understand why the NBA's policy then how can we expect a uniform policy for all leagues actually work. Congress went as far as to blame the brawl on steroids saying that the NBA should have tested because violent behavior is resonable doubt. There will be more on the issue in part 2.
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