Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Flag Burning and Stupid People

So about a week ago I signed onto AOL (since it is 1998) and one of the headlines read "New Constitutional Amendment on the Way?" with a picture of a guy burning the flag. Now this is what I thought exactly "Holy Shit We can't be that stupid." But again America reaches a new level of stupidity, and there is a solid chance that a new amendment will be added to the constitution to make flag burning illegal. Now i have two issues with this, why an amendment and not a law and why do we continue to try to limit rights. My biggest issue is how this administration is one by one taking away our freedoms as Americans, everything from the Patriot Act (the most obtrusive and ridiculous act ever, basically the government can walk into your home tear everything apart and cavity search you any time they want if they think your a terrorist) to trying to ban gay marriages (which is a joke why can't two people who love each other get married and live their lives together). I am not for flag burning, but if that is someone expresses themselves about their feelings about the government, isn't that is what the first amendment is there to protect? I cannot understand why we need to make laws limiting our freedoms because some crazy right wing conservative isn't comfortable with flag burning or with two men holding hands. Why can't we just let people live their lives instead of limiting how they are allowed to live their lives.

So I am driving down the shore at around 12 as my dad makes breakfast for all of our hungover house guests (thanks for including me by the way I had a great time you are all welcome back any time.) As i drive back from CVS I can see up the road about 10 blocks and realize how people don't even look as they cross the street and they get mad when people get mad when they have to stop suddenly because some jackass is so self-involved that he think the entire road should stop because he is walking across the street. I understand "Pedestrians have the right of way" but it is ridiculous to just walk in the middle of the road without looking. Also in stores people have a completely different attitude down the shore than at home. They feel since they are on vacation they need to be served first and they can't wait. Well guess what thousands of other people are also on vacation so everything is busy and you have to wait. They also have no concern for their surroundings. They will budge, push, and take anything they want because again they are on vacation. While sitting on the beach a large group will sit right on top of you and begin putting stuff in your space without even caring about the fact that someone was already there. People will also let their kids run wild, hit people with various object while playing a game that must entail third base being 6 inches away from your personal area allowing them to kick sand in your face at a constant pace. But when you say anything to their kids they get pissed because they are their kids and you shouldnt say anything to them. I'm just tired of lazy parents letting their kids run wild and then blaming someone else when something happens. If you want to keep partying then wear a condom if you can't handle kids. My biggest pet peeve is stupid people and sadly my favorite place is crawling with them.


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