Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Don't F--k with Jesus

Apparently if you say anything bad about Jesus or go against the church you will be punished!

Rick Majerus is Pro-Life and coaching at Catholic University, Bishop Angry.

Woman on unknown show on ESPN says F--k Jesus gets suspended. (Sidenote can women realize they aren't funny, and since she isn't attractive she should probably just be fired with this as an excuse since she possesses no redeeming qualities.)

Friday, January 11, 2008

Sign of the Apocalypse/Why I hate CNN

Latest News
O.J. Simpson back in custody 46 min
Police hunt suspect, dead Marine's grave 4 min
Track star Marion Jones sentenced to prison
Mayor: City failed 4 slain children
CNNMoney: Don't fear Countrywide buyout
Ticker: Giuliani ask staff if it's OK not to pay them
WCVB: Harvard student killed taunting teen
Iraqis pop a wheelie to forget about war
Kids chug milk, barf in science class
'Hannah Montana' uses body double in concert 46 min
Tiny polar bear naps with toy, dreams noisily
WISC: School food fight ends up in court
Shotgun jailbreak led to love on the run
Asteroid probably won't hit Mars, scientists say
New hybrid gets up to 150 miles per gallon!
CNN Wire: Latest updates on top stories

Those are the headlines on CNN with the top story being the cell phone article/molestation article I mentioned early. After the second cnn post I gave up on making fun of it because my laughter turned to rage.

Kids drink milk, barf in science class

That's the headline from CNN: the world's most trusted news source. I have never seen such an overreaction about some kids proving that the stomach can't hold/digest a gallon of milk drank in under an hour. The best is the mother who said "Thank god my son wasn't in the class, but it worries me my son goes to the school that allows something so terrible to happen." It's drinking milk not throwing kittens from the roof. She proves that people need jobs and hobbies because in the ocean that is teenage hijinks this is a drop, and even though the test has some scientific merit it probably shouldn't have been taped and put on youtube. But thank god no one died!

Cell Phones cause Molestation, Experts Say

First of all we need to separate molestation and child abuse with a kid getting really really lucky. A kid isn't being "molested" if he/she is not only willing but excited to have sex with the adult. When kids are having sex with each other by age 12, why is someone "molesting" them if they are happy to do it, and all that will come psychologically from it is some good memories and stories? This doesn't include when the person gives the minor alcohol or drugs (even though the kid is probably drinking and such with his friends anyway). We have to stop with the thought process that teenagers are kids. In todays society children grow up and learn so fast that having sex at 14 isn't a big deal (to them). That is why I have such a problem with Perverted Justice. This girl goats them into coming to the house with promises of sex, and a lot of guys lack the will power to say no to a heart girl regardless of the age. It's another story when a guy is stalking a girl or does anything against their will, but why are these people arrested (with a majority of them lacking any past evidence of this behavior).
(As a side note why does someone get arrested if fooled by a fake I.D. when it comes to sex or even drinking, but when the opposite happens and a girl says she's underaged and really not the people still get arrested.)
I am not condoning rape or molestation or anything like that, but is it really worth it to put these people in jail when the kid wasn't effected negatively (this mostly happens with older women going after underage men, when it happens vice versa it is always fishy). Instead of imprisoning these borderline ones let's get them some psychological treatment and focus time and attention on the the real molestors and criminals.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Sammy Loves Hockey

I don't know what's better, attending a Flyers game with the only minority who will be there, that no one bid, or the superimposed photoshop picture on the auction.

Public Disappointed after seeing pic of Teacher sending Naked Pics

Was anyone else disappointed after seeing what the gym teacher from Crapolopolis, PA (it's near Pittsburgh I think.

Georgia Proposes Playoff Not Realizing It Won't Happen this Year

I love how Georgia decided to propose a playoff the year they end up number 2 and left out of the national championship debate. Where were you last year Bulldogs?

Side Note: I don't understand people asking to see USC LSU when USC lost to STANFORD one of the worst teams in I-A or the bowl subdividing factor of 3 or whatever the hell they call it now. There are a lot of teams who didn't lose to someone that bad during the course of the season, had more wins, so in turn, deserve to be in the game more. As long as there are rankings deciding college football let's look at the whole season and not just the last four games.

Donovan McNabb says something obvious, people overreact

I felt that it would be appropriate to talk about McNabb on my first post back. I am an Eagles fan, but not a blind or stupid one like most other people in the city of brotherly love. McNabb is my second favorite Eagle of all time (Cunningham being the first) and at this point in his career I am not sure how he puts up with all the crap from the media here and across the country. McNabb is an extremely smart guy who is not afraid to tell his side of the story and he isn't scared to say what's on his mind seeing that most intelligent people have opinions about the world around them. With that said McNabb is interrupting the extremely stimulating "Romo is having sex with a hot girl in Mexico, how could he do that!?!" conversation with an entry from his blog. Now you would think with a headline on ESPN news he said that he hates white people and he wants to punch kittens in the face. Nope he asked for more playmakers. Yep the evil quarterback asked for some better players to help him out, and now it's the cover story on
Look McNabb is still one of the better quarterbacks in the league, and unfortuately injuries have derailed his career some. Without the injuries he would be a top 5 qb, and even while injured he is better than over half the quarterbacks in the league. We (as Eagles fans and NFL fans) have to separate ourselves from the tabloid hell sports have become and focus on what is going on, on the field.